Dental Management and Care for Diabetics

Dental Exam

Oral Health: Dental Management and Care for Diabetics

Diabetic patients are vulnerable to several health complications, including their teeth and gums. However, with the right management and care, you can improve your oral health if you are a diabetic patient.

Regardless of your diabetes type, it is essential to control your blood sugar level. Any carelessness here will expose you to the risk of:


This advanced gum disease destroys the bone and soft tissues supporting your teeth. As a result, your jawbone and gums may separate from your teeth, causing them to loosen and fall out eventually.

Periodontitis can be severe for diabetic patients because they have lower resistance to infection and slow healing. You must ensure you get dental cleanings regularly to improve your control of blood sugar and prevent diabetes.


Diabetic patients have lower fighting ability against bacteria. Negligence, in this regard, may cause the tartar (hardening of your gumline) to form. If you allow tartar and plaque to remain for long on your gums around supporting the base, they will swell and bleed easily.

We call this condition gingivitis, and diabetic patients can prevent this with regular flossing, brushing, and plaque removal.


Thrush is an oral condition more common in diabetic patients. An infection arises due to yeast Candida albicans. If you develop thrush, you will generally experience painful red and white patches inside your mouth. The best management for thrush is maintaining good oral hygiene.

Dental Care for Diabetics

If you have diabetes, here are a few practices to ensure you maintain good oral health throughout:

Final Thoughts

Once you develop diabetes, it becomes your lifelong commitment to managing it efficiently. This includes oral care to keep your gums and teeth healthy while keeping your blood sugar under control.

Keep your gums and teeth healthy, schedule a visit with our dental staff by calling 718-246-5700 or schedule online.




LaSante Health Center

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