Blog Articles

Why Does My Child Keep Getting Ear Infections?

Did you know that half of children experience an ear infection by the age of two? And millions of kids go on to have repeated infections. Here, we explore why kids are so prone to ear infections and how we can help.
Jul 24th, 2024
Are Cataracts Inevitable As I Age?

Are Cataracts Inevitable As I Age?

Cataracts are the leading cause of vision loss among Americans, especially as you get older. But this doesn't necessarily mean that this common eye disease is going to be a part of your future.
Jul 11th, 2024
Why Do I Have Adult Acne and What Can Help?

Why Do I Have Adult Acne and What Can Help?

While you want to hold onto that elastic, wrinkle-free skin you had when you were younger, the same can’t be said for the acne. Yet, in adulthood, you can still struggle with acne on top of the wrinkles.
Jun 19th, 2024
Will My Bunions Go Away on Their Own?

Will My Bunions Go Away on Their Own?

You have bunions that seem to be getting bigger every day and you wonder whether they’ll go in the opposite direction and disappear. Spoiler alert: Bunions don’t go away on their own, but you do have options.
Jun 18th, 2024
4 Steps to Take If Your Blood Pressure Is Too High

4 Steps to Take If Your Blood Pressure Is Too High

Nearly half of Americans have a blood pressure problem that places them at far greater risk for heart disease. If you’re in this group, you can improve the course of your health with these four proven strategies.
May 2nd, 2024
Why Do I Keep Getting Ingrown Toenails?

Why Do I Keep Getting Ingrown Toenails?

While ingrown toenails may not signal the end of the world, they can be awfully painful, making them one condition you want to avoid. The best way to do that is to figure out why you're getting them in the first place.
May 2nd, 2024
3 Proven Strategies for Dealing With Spring Allergies

3 Proven Strategies for Dealing With Spring Allergies

Each spring, millions of Americans start sneezing and wheezing thanks to seasonal rhinitis, or hay fever. If you want to breathe easier this spring, here are a few tips that can help you navigate this tricky season.
Apr 2nd, 2024
Why Do I Have Pain in My Heels?

Why Do I Have Pain in My Heels?

New York is a walking city, so when heel pain strikes, your world becomes much smaller and far more uncomfortable. To put that spring back in your step, read on to learn about heel pain culprits and solutions.
Mar 15th, 2024
5 Steps to Prevent Diabetic Eye Disease

5 Steps to Prevent Diabetic Eye Disease

Your ability to see is important, to say the least, so you want to do what you can to preserve your eyesight. Unfortunately, diabetic eye diseases put your vision in great jeopardy unless you take action.
Mar 2nd, 2024
4 Early Signs of Gum Disease

4 Early Signs of Gum Disease

Millions of Americans are missing teeth due to gum disease. If you want to avoid the hassle and expense of tooth replacement, early detection and treatment of gum disease is paramount.
Feb 13th, 2024
Bloating Without Diet Changes: What Could It Mean?

Bloating Without Diet Changes: What Could It Mean?

You haven’t made any changes to your diet, but you’re feeling more bloated these days, and you’re not at all pleased with this new feeling of discomfort. Here’s what might be behind the issue.
Feb 13th, 2024

Newbie Navigators: Your Guide to Infant Care

Welcome, new parents! You've just entered the wild, wonderful world of infant care, where the rules are made up and the points don't matter. While navigating this jungle might feel a bit daunting, fear not! We're here to help!
Feb 5th, 2024
Why Are My Eyes So Dry? 

Why Are My Eyes So Dry? 

Your eyes are dry and itchy, and you're even having trouble with blurry vision. These symptoms are common with an aptly named condition called dry eye. Here's what we want you to know.
Jan 9th, 2024
Now Is a Good Time for a Skin Cancer Check

Now Is a Good Time for a Skin Cancer Check

With another summer in the books, now is an excellent time to get your skin professionally checked for skin cancer, especially if it’s been a while. Here’s a look at when a skin check is a good idea.
Oct 17th, 2023
Should I Just Deal With My UTI at Home?

Should I Just Deal With My UTI at Home?

You suspect you have a urinary tract infection, and you’re wondering whether you can deal with the issue on your own. The short answer is: probably not. Here’s why seeking our help is best.
Oct 1st, 2023
Do Bunions Go Away on Their Own?

Do Bunions Go Away on Their Own?

You realize that your big toe has been shifting for some time and now you have a full-blown bunion. Is it too late to take steps to prevent this deformity? The answer is yes, but we do have solutions.
Sep 1st, 2023
 The Top 5 Risk Factors for Heart Disease

The Top 5 Risk Factors for Heart Disease

If you consider that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, you understand why it’s so important to understand the risk factors. Here, we review five of the top drivers of heart disease.
Sep 1st, 2023
Dealing with Hot Flashes? Here's How to Manage Them

Dealing with Hot Flashes? Here's How to Manage Them

You’re fine one moment, but the next, you’re burning up and drenched in sweat. Welcome to the world of menopause, where hot flashes affect about 75% of women. Here are some tips for turning down the heat.
Aug 7th, 2023
4 Techniques to Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Medication

4 Techniques to Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Medication

Nearly half of adults in the United States have high blood pressure, which means you’re in good company if you have hypertension. Still, this is company we’d rather you didn’t keep, which is why we want you to follow these four steps.
Aug 7th, 2023
5 Tips to Care for Your Eyes When You Have Diabetes

5 Tips to Care for Your Eyes When You Have Diabetes

When you have diabetes, there are a number of complications that you should keep in mind as you manage the disease, and your eyesight is certainly a big one. Here are five tips to protect your vision.
Jul 1st, 2023
What Should I Bring to My Child's School Physical?

What Should I Bring to My Child's School Physical?

When you have diabetes, there are a number of complications that you should keep in mind as you manage the disease, and your eyesight is certainly a big one. Here are five tips to protect your vision.
Jul 1st, 2023

Why Do I Keep Getting Athlete's Foot?

While it may not be all that medically serious, athlete’s foot has a way of disrupting your life thanks to its location and stubbornness. If you have ongoing problems with this common foot condition, here are some next steps.
Jun 1st, 2023

4 Types of Birth Control: Which Is Right for Me?

You’re not ready for a pregnancy right now, so you’d like to explore your options in birth control, and there are plenty. Here, we break them down into four different categories to help with your decision.
Jun 1st, 2023
3 Telltale Warning Signs of Cavities

3 Telltale Warning Signs of Cavities

It’s pretty hard to get through life without developing tooth decay and ending up with a cavity or two. The most important thing is to recognize when there's a problem so you can preserve your tooth.
May 1st, 2023
Top Tips for Managing Arthritis

Top Tips for Managing Arthritis

One in 4 Americans struggles with arthritis, and this number is expected to grow by leaps and bounds. If you’re dealing with joint pain and inflammation, here are some tips to help you move more freely.
May 1st, 2023
7 Lifestyle Modifications to Help Control Hypertension

7 Lifestyle Modifications to Help Control Hypertension

While heart disease may be the leading cause of death in the United States, an incredible 90% of heart disease is preventable. It’s this second statistic we want to focus on, and an effective way to do that is to lower your blood pressure.
Mar 5th, 2023
5 Common Causes of Foot Pain

5 Common Causes of Foot Pain

From small problems like ingrown toenails to larger issues like fractures, foot pain of any kind can affect your ability to move through the world. Here’s a look at five common problems that lead to foot pain.
Mar 5th, 2023
Recognizing the Signs of Depression

Recognizing the Signs of Depression

Diagnosed depression in both adults and children has been on the rise, and this may have something to do with our increasing ability to recognize when there’s a problem. Here’s a look at some of the signs.
Feb 8th, 2023
How Often Should I Have a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

How Often Should I Have a Comprehensive Eye Exam?

To call your ability to see the world around you important is an understatement. Your eyes help you navigate the world, so you should do whatever it takes to keep them healthy, which starts with regular eye exams.
Feb 8th, 2023
The Importance of Having an Annual Well Woman Checkup

The Importance of Having an Annual Well Woman Checkup

The health needs that women require throughout their lives can vary quite a deal. From family planning to transitioning through menopause, annual well woman checkups provide you with the care you need every step of the way.
Jan 24th, 2023
What Causes Plantar Fasciitis and How We Treat It

What Causes Plantar Fasciitis and How We Treat It

You get out of bed in the morning and find you’re unable to walk thanks to searing pain in the soles of your feet and in your heels. The cause of this temporary immobility is likely plantar fasciitis. Here’s what you should know.
Dec 1st, 2022
When Is Your Tooth Pain Cause for Concern?

When Is Your Tooth Pain Cause for Concern?

Tooth pain has a way of hijacking your life, and it’s one symptom that’s hard to ignore. In fact, you shouldn’t ignore it, as tooth pain is likely signaling a problem in your teeth or gums that we need to address.
Dec 1st, 2022
Which Type of Birth Control Is Right For You?

Which Type of Birth Control Is Right For You?

You’re exploring ways in which you can prevent an unwanted pregnancy, but the sheer amount of birth control options may seem overwhelming. Here, we break them down so that you can choose one that’s right for you.
Nov 10th, 2022
The Importance of Diabetic Eye Care

The Importance of Diabetic Eye Care

Did you know that diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness in the United States? Diabetes can cast a wide net over your health, which includes your eye health, making diabetic eye care paramount.
Nov 10th, 2022
Signs Your Child Could Have ADHD

Signs Your Child Could Have ADHD

Most children are active and often struggle with paying attention, but it doesn’t mean that a behavioral disorder like attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is present. Here, we review some key signs of ADHD.
Oct 13th, 2022
Are Your Vaccinations Up To Date?

Are Your Vaccinations Up To Date?

Polio, whooping cough, tetanus — these are just a few of the potentially serious diseases that vaccines can prevent. To ensure your family’s health, it’s very much worth staying on top of your immunization schedules.
Oct 13th, 2022
5 Benefits of Medication Management

5 Benefits of Medication Management

Chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension require ongoing care and medications. Medication management can help you avoid harmful interactions, but that’s just one of the perks. Read on to learn five benefits of medication management.
Sep 22nd, 2022
The Top Warning Signs of Hypertension to Look Out For

The Top Warning Signs of Hypertension to Look Out For

Hypertension is largely a silent disease, meaning it doesn’t typically cause symptoms. Still, there are ways your body might tell you something’s wrong. Learn more about these signs so you can be more aware and protect your health.
Sep 22nd, 2022

It's Time for Your Flu Shot

Whether you've gotten the flu before or not, it's always important to get the flu vaccine and stay healthy this flu season.
Dec 9th, 2021

Myths About the Flu Shot

Many people are concerned when it comes to getting the flu shot each year, but it's actually very safe.
Oct 26th, 2021

National Healthcare Quality Week

National Healthcare Quality Week is an important time to make sure you're receiving the best quality of care from your providers.
Oct 19th, 2021

Diabetes & Foot Problems

A big part of taking care of yourself if diagnosed with diabetes includes foot care. There are ways to make sure your feet are staying healthy while managing your disease.
Sep 23rd, 2021

Preventing & Preparing for HIV

If you've been exposed to HIV, you have options to treat it. Read on to find out whether you're eligible for HIV treatment.
Sep 14th, 2021

Beginner’s Guide on Getting Routine Blood Work Done

How often should I get blood work done? What determines if I should get it done? Get answers to the most asked questions about routine blood work.Blood can tell you about your organ function, diet, metabolism, illnesses, and if you have certain diseases...
Oct 13th, 2019

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine

Struggles to get to the clinic? Trying to reduce your exposure to COVID-19, as well as other contagious illnesses, and still need to see your doctor? Telehealth is safe and easy — receive quality care from anywhere.
Apr 26th, 2024
Dental Exam

Dental Management and Care for Diabetics

Diabetic patients are vulnerable to several health complications, including their teeth and gums. However, with the right management and care, you can improve your oral health if you are a diabetic patient. Regardless of your diabetes type, it is
Jul 15th, 2020

Out of Step? 10 Smart Reasons to See a Podiatrist

77% of Americans say they have experienced foot pain. However, only a third of those would seek expert care from a podiatrist.Leaving yourself to suffer through foot pain can have a major impact on your quality of life...
Jan 19th, 2020

A Helpful Guide to the Signs and Symbols of Depression

Did you know that an estimated 17.3 million American adults suffer from depression at least once in their lifetime?This is a troubling statistic. But thanks to the increasing awareness about mental illness, people no longer have to suffer alone...
Jan 1st, 2020

LASIK Requirements: Are You a Good LASIK Candidate?

Did you know that almost 97% of people who undergo LASIK surgery end up with 20/20 vision or better? That’s because this procedure is extremely safe and accurate nowadays, thanks to new advancements in medical equipment.But is LASIK good for you as well...
Dec 8th, 2019

Eye Care for Kids 101: A Complete Guide for Parents

When you’re a parent, protecting your children is your main priority. Ensuring their five senses remain intact is part of the job.Vision problems appear between the ages of 18 months and four years of age, according to WebMD...
Dec 1st, 2019

Do You Know If You Have PTSD: The Common Symptoms

Are you wondering how do you know if you have PTSD? If yes, click here for some helpful information of the different symptoms.About 7 to 8% of the U.S. population have PTSD at some point in their lives...
Nov 10th, 2019

Everything You Need to Know About STD Testing

STD testing is very important and it is vital to understand how they work. Click here for some information about STD testing.Every day, over 1 million sexually transmitted infections are acquired worldwide...
Nov 3rd, 2019