3 Proven Strategies for Dealing With Spring Allergies

3 Proven Strategies for Dealing With Spring Allergies

Spring is a beautiful time of year in Brooklyn as the parks start to green up, the flowers come out, and we shed our winter coats. But for many, this season also brings sneezing, wheezing, and watery, itchy eyes thanks to spring allergies.

Also called hay fever or seasonal allergic rhinitis, spring allergies affect 81 million Americans of all ages, so you’re not alone.

If you or someone in your family finds springtime a challenge, our team here at LaSante Health Center, which includes internal medicine specialists, wants to take this opportunity to share some effective management strategies for hay fever.

Get the right diagnosis and help for your allergies

Nearly 1 in 3 adults and more than 1 in 4 kids in the United States have at least one allergy, and figuring out what’s causing the reaction is the first step toward better dealing with allergies. 

Seasonal allergies are the most common, but allergies to dust mites, mold, foods, and other substances can also bring about many of  the same symptoms that are associated with hay fever.

So if you’re experiencing symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and watery, itchy eyes, please come see us so we can pinpoint which allergens are causing the reactions through allergy testing. Once we identify the culprit(s), we can set you up with the right treatments, such as:

We can also help you come up with a good management plan, some of which we outline below.

Make your home a spring allergy oasis

If you have spring allergies, there’s nothing you can do to minimize the pollen flying around in the air outside, but you do have more control over your home. For example, on windy days, keep your windows shut tight.

You might also benefit from installing an HVAC filter in your heating and air conditioning unit. You can go a step further and get an air purifier, which you can move from room to room — the living room during the day and the bedroom at night, for example.

Each time you go outside, you can bring in pollen on your clothes and in your hair. So you might need to do a little extra laundering and showering during the springtime. And don’t forget to wipe down your dog, too.

Get to know the pollen counts

Since pollen is enemy No. 1 when you have hay fever, it’s helpful to keep track of high pollen days so you can plan accordingly. A good place to start is with this National Allergy Bureau website. All you need to do is click on your location to get the pollen count for the day.

In addition to pollen counts, keep track of wind. A windy day, even if pollen counts aren’t necessarily high, can be challenging for people with seasonal allergic rhinitis.

If you follow these proven strategies, you’ll be able to better enjoy this beautiful time of year. To get started on creating your own spring allergy plan, we invite you to book an appointment online or call us at our Brooklyn, New York, office at 718-246-5700 to set up a visit. 

We serve the Flatbush and East Flatbush, Crown Heights, Park Slope, Little Haiti, Little Caribbean, and Prospect Lefferts Gardens communities.

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