The Importance of Having an Annual Well Woman Checkup

The Importance of Having an Annual Well Woman Checkup

A woman’s overall wellness is, in large part, dictated by her reproductive wellness, which is why women require a different standard of care. This care helps women navigate every stage of their lives, from puberty on through menopause and beyond.

At LaSante Health Center, our team of health care providers includes obstetric and gynecology specialists who help women expertly navigate their reproductive health.

Here’s a look at a few of the many reasons why you should make your annual well woman exam a top priority each year.

Family planning

From the moment you pass through puberty, family planning becomes something you need to address. If you’d like to have control over when (or if) you have children, we offer a wide range of birth control options, from hormonal therapies to barrier methods.

If you’d prefer not to use birth control, we can discuss more natural approaches to family planning during your well woman exam, such as fertility awareness.

Menstrual cycle care

Under normal circumstances, a woman’s menstrual cycle should come every 21-25 days and last 2-7 days. This is not the case for up to 30% of women in the United States who have abnormal periods. By abnormal, this could mean heavy bleeding, irregular cycles, or spotting in between periods.

If you have abnormal bleeding, it could signal a larger problem, such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids. During your well woman exam, we spend time reviewing your menstrual cycles, and if there are any abnormalities, we get to work on a diagnosis.

Screening for disease

About one in eight American women are affected by breast cancer. During your annual well woman exam, we check for early signs of the disease and discuss the role that mammograms can play for women after the age of 40-45.

Another important screening that we can perform during your well woman exam is the Pap test, which checks your cervix for abnormal cells that could be the precursor to cervix cancer.

The cancer screenings that we perform are incredibly important in helping you to stay one step ahead of some very serious diseases.

Getting ready for pregnancy

Another key role that your annual well woman exams play is in helping you prepare you for pregnancy. 

Through our close monitoring of your reproductive health, we can address any potential hurdles we might identify to make you as ready as possible for your pregnancy. This might include some lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking or losing weight.

Helping through menopause

About 75% of women who transition through menopause experience hot flashes and 60% experience genitourinary symptoms, such as vaginal dryness. If you’re having a tough time with the side effects of menopause, we can discuss ways to ease the transition, such as hormonal therapies and lifestyle changes.

As you can see, keeping up with your annual well woman exam is a good way to navigate every stage of your life as comfortably and safely as possible.

To schedule your well woman exam, please contact our Brooklyn, New York, clinic. We serve the Flatbush and East Flatbush, Crown Heights, Park Slope, Little Haiti, Little Caribbean, and Prospect Lefferts Gardens communities.

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