Clinical breast examinations are a quick and non-invasive way to assess your risk of breast cancer. The outpatient procedure identifies abnormal bumps or lumps and determines if you need more specialized testing. At LaSante Health Center in the Prospect Lefferts Gardens area of Brooklyn, New York, the team provides breast examinations to women of all ages. Call LaSante Health Center today to schedule a breast examination appointment, or book your visit online.
Clinical breast examinations are necessary because they let your LaSante Health Center provider catch breast cancer early before it causes complications or spreads to other parts of your body. The earlier breast cancer is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat effectively.
The LaSante Health Center team recommends all women ages 25-39 undergo a clinical breast examination every three years. The procedure is usually included as part of a well-woman exam, alongside Pap smears and cervical cancer screenings.
After you turn 40, the team recommends scheduling a breast examination every year. If you have a family history of breast cancer, they might also suggest you start undergoing mammograms (breast X-rays) at this time.
A clinical breast examination is a quick and painless outpatient procedure.
During the exam, you remove your top, and your LaSante Health Center provider looks at both breasts, examining their shape and size and the appearance of your skin. They feel each breast to check for bumps or other abnormalities. Then, they examine your nipples and armpits.
If your breasts look healthy, your provider will complete your exam and send you on your way. However, if abnormalities are detected, they refer you to a nearby radiology facility for a mammogram. A mammogram is a type of diagnostic imaging that can detect cancerous tumors.
Preparing for a clinical breast exam is easy.
For optimal results, avoid scheduling your breast exam the week before your period. Hormonal changes that occur during menstruation can cause your breasts to swell, increasing the risk of a false positive. Similarly, your breasts are more sensitive during this time, so that the exam might be uncomfortable.
Don’t apply deodorant, lotions, creams, or perfume on your breasts or under your arms. If you end up needing a mammogram, these products can affect X-ray imaging.
Yes. Even if you regularly do self-breast examinations at home, it’s crucial to get a professional’s opinion every few years. Many symptoms of breast cancer are subtle, and a trained eye can spot them more effectively.
Call LaSante Health Center today to schedule a breast examination, or book your appointment online.