How Often Should Adults Get a Physical: Frequency and and Appointment Types Explained

How Often Should Adults Get a Physical: Frequency and and Appointment

Is it really necessary for adults to get biannual or yearly checkups? The answer may surprise you. Here’s how often to get a physical as an adult.

As an adult, it’s up to you to visit the doctor on a regular basis. This is the best way to keep up with your health and well-being. 

It’s especially important today, with so many health issues prevalent. For instance, in more than 30 million people — 10 percent of the population, have been diagnosed with diabetes. 

The sooner you get help from a doctor, the sooner you will be able to protect and improve your quality of life. 

To know when you should get a physical and when you should visit various types of specialists, consider these tips. 

1. Get an Overall Checkup Once a Year

Without question, your go-to doctor should be the main priority when it comes to caring for your health and wellness. When you have an appointment each year with your doctor, you will be able to make sure that your health is in order and that you aren’t overlooking any sorts of issues. 

Choose a primary care physician that can address all of your family care needs. This way you and your whole family will be looked after and you’ll get a clean bill of health each year. 

2. Women Should Get Regular Gynecologist Visits

If you’re a woman, you’ll need to make sure that you also visit the gynecologist on a regular basis. Schedule an appointment each year in order to get pap smears and wellness checks. 

This is useful whether you’re planning for a family or just want to look after your reproductive health. You can get tested for sexually transmitted diseases, and get answers to questions you have on different gynecological issues. 

You can get a gynecologist recommendation from your primary care physician if you don’t already have one that you see. 

3. Go to the Optometrist Annually or Bi-Annually

Total body health is critical, so make sure that you are also visiting the optometrist with regularity. This will help you keep your vision up to par so you can see clearly and avoid ocular diseases. 

Your optometrist will test for things like glaucoma, in addition to giving you a fresh new prescription for your glasses or contacts. If you wear glasses or contacts, you’ll need to get a new prescription before you can order new ones, so make sure you stay in touch with your eye doctor. 

4. Stop by the Dermatologist Office Each Year

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, so be sure that you take good care of it. That’s where a dermatologist comes in. 

When you visit a dermatologist, they can help you clear up and prevent your acne. They will help guide you so that you can use the best products and fix lifestyle issues that are leading to acne. 

These professionals can also assist you if you have any sort of moles, rashes, or other sorts of issues that need the attention of a skincare doctor. 

5. See Your Dentist Twice a Year

Don’t forget about your oral health. This is the start of your body’s digestion, so if you have cavities, gum disease, and other issues, your overall health will be affected. 

Go to the dentist twice each year — one time for a checkup and cleaning, and another for a general wellness check. During these visits, your dentist will test for cavities and will help you out with fluoride treatments. 

6. Work With a Mental Health Professional Every Week or as Needed

Mental health is gaining a lot of attention right now because of its importance. As such, a lot of people are now going to a therapist with regularity, the same way they get physical or dental checkups. 

You can do the same in order to keep your mental health intact and to make sure that you are processing your thoughts and feelings in a healthy manner. When you find a therapist that you like, consider going to them on a weekly basis. 

These appointments only take between a half-hour and an hour, and many people say that it becomes the best part of their week. 

7. Get Blood Work Done Every Year

One of the best things you can do for your health is getting blood work done. 

When you get blood drawn and sent to the lab, professionals can find issues that help you improve your health. They’ll assist you so that you can make sure your cholesterol levels are in order and can help you figure out what areas of your health need fixing. 

8. Visit Specialists and Other Doctors When Needed

If you have certain health issues that are specific, you will need to visit a specialist on a regular basis. They’ll be able to monitor any condition that you have and help you maintain your quality of life. 

You can also visit alternative holistic health professionals that can assist you with any type of wellness that you need. 

For instance, touching base with a chiropractor can also help you with your back and neck problems, in addition to boosting your immune system and decreasing stress. Going to the chiropractor can cost you between about $30 and $100 per visit. 

There are countless specialists you can visit that will help you with any type of healthcare that you need. 

When Should You Get a Physical? — Consider These Guidelines

So when should you get a physical? These tips will be helpful to you when you want to do what is best for your health. 

If you’d like to get physical, we’re here for you. 

To request an appointment, contact us online or give us a call at (718)246-5700.

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