What’s Biting You: The Most Common Bug Bites and Stings

Vector-borne diseases, such as West Nile virus, Zika, Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, account for nearly a fifth of all infectious diseases around the globe, robbing an approximate 700, 000 people of their lives every year.

A good deal of these disease-carrying little things can be easily found in or around our homes. That means the risk of being bit is high.

There are some pretty common bugs that hang all around you, and knowing which one bit you is possible by looking at a set of skin reactions. A bite by a particular insect elicits specific reactions that are different from that of another insect.

This makes identifying bug bites a fairly easy process.

Keep reading to find out some common bug bites and stings.

1. Bed Bugs

Bed bugs have a tendency of biting multiple spots as they move along. But, catching anyone of them is not possible at all – the effects are felt long after the bugs are gone.

They can bite anywhere but prefer exposed skin. So, hands, arms and the neck are the most prone to bug attacks as they are usually uncovered.

Bed bug bites cause red, itchy swellings in normal cases. For some individuals, an allergic reaction may occur, usually characterized by the presence of hives.

2. Bees and Wasps

Both of these insects use a common weapon to inflict pain – a stinger – hence, the need to place them together. Additionally, the accompanying effects of their stings are similar though the medication for each is different.

In individuals without allergies, a bee or wasp sting is followed by an instantaneous shot of pain. The aftermath of this is a red swelling as the pain hangs around for some time. This swelling is usually accompanied by a white spot.

Once the pain subsides, the stung part becomes itchy.

3. Chiggers

Chiggers are prevalent in areas with a healthy growth of grass and only their young ones have a tendency of biting – usually seeking out a bare skin before getting down to their dirty little game.

Their bites are painless. The accompanying skin itch kicks in after two days.

Signs of chigger bites are itchy red pimple-like bumps – the centers being brighter in color than the surrounding regions.

4. Black Widow Spider

The pain from a black widow spider is immediate and so are the accompanying effects – though more fatal signs take time to manifest.

Right away, you’ll be able to see two fangs alongside a red swelling.

After a few hours, more severe effects catch on. They include nausea and vomiting, dizziness, breathing difficulties, muscle cramps, and seizures. That is why they are one of the most dangerous bugs around, especially to kids.

If it is your child on the receiving of this spider’s fangs, be sure to get to a Brooklyn pediatrician as soon as you can.

5. Fleas

They may have a preference for your pets but will grab any available chance to take a biting at you or anyone in your homestead, including children.

The bites are clustered in groups of up to four and turn white upon pressing. On their own, the bites are tiny red bumps.

Due to itching, your kids may be naturally compelled to scratch the spots that could lead to an infection – characterized by the presence of pus. Enlist the services of the best pediatricians in Brooklyn immediately if you note any sign of an infection.

6. Ticks

Most tick bites aren’t so easily noticeable unless the said tick remains attached to the skin.

For a larger part, a tick bite will heal on its own a few days after the little pesky thing has been removed.

If the tick you encountered was an infectious one, then you may see the (in)famous bull’s eye rash, which is red and circular. Other accompanying symptoms may include a fever, headaches, fatigue and muscle and joint pains – a sure case of Lysosome disease.

In this case, seeking medical attention should be prompt.

7. Fire Ants

Just like bees and wasps, they don’t really bite but rather sting, and this sting is felt as soon as it lands.
The wounds can be quite a number as each fire ant deals several of them on your skin. Red swollen spots, sometimes filled with pus, characterize the stung areas.

8. Mosquitoes

Mosquito bites are barely noticeable, and the discomfort only sets in a few minutes later.

The bites are small white bumps of hard skin, with a red middle dot. The affected area also tends to be itchy.

Depending on the mosquito type, the patch can disappear after a few days. For some specific types, though, a serious infection could be underway. And, they are several of them, since mosquitoes are known to pass on quite a host of diseases.
Some of them are:

In fact, the mosquito is the deadliest insect, owing to all the diseases it transmits.

Children are the most susceptible to mosquito-transmitted infections. For this reason, talk to a Brooklyn pediatrician if the following persists:

Always Seek Medical Attention

As you’ve seen above, some bug bites are mild while others can prove to be quite fatal.

Fatalities could occur due to the venom introduced into the body or due to an allergic reaction you might have. Here are few pointers that indicate the situation is out of hand:

If you see these signs, call 911 immediately. As you wait for the emergency response, you can alleviate the symptoms by:

Even if the symptoms wear off considerably, make sure to see a doctor, especially for infants. Talk to best pediatricians in NYC for all bug bites as the situation can escalate quickly for them.

Also, for adults, internal medicine can go a long way in countering the effects of venom from bites. Be sure to check it out.

Final Thoughts on Identifying Bug Bites

These are just some of the common bug bites.

For a larger part, they could be mild but can become more pronounced in individuals with allergic reactions. Use the above tips to identify bug bites to know when to ring a doctor immediately.

To get specialized attention for your kids, request an appointment with a Brooklyn pediatrician.

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